In the beginning...
Eagle Roost Productions grew from a simple basement workshop project to construct a couple of birdhouses for the backyard and to recycle a number of non-marketable western red cedars salvaged from neighboring properties.
As an artist, I knew that I wanted to create birdhouses that were truly unique but remained functional. I designed units that met the parameters required to attract and satisfy various species of birds native to the Puget Sound Region of Western Washington state. Once friends and neighbors saw these birdhouses, they requested some for their yards as well. Eagle Roost Productions was thus created to fulfill the demand.
Following in what seemed to be the natural progression of designs, construction and sales of these hand-made, truly one-of-a-kind functional works of art, I expanded the scope of Eagle Roost Productions by introducing cedar bird feeders as well. Eagle Roost Productions was first offered to the public at local arts and crafts fairs. In 2007, I was given the privilege of entering one of my birdhouses in Project Return Home's Charity Auction in Westport, CT, and was overwhelmed by the response that I received.
From those early works in the basement fifteen years ago, Eagle Roost Productions now offers creations worldwide via the Internet.
All natural and unique.
Eagle Roost Productions birdhouses and bird feeders are constructed entirely from western red cedar, a durable wood that is naturally resistant to both decay and insects. Although the cedar will weather to a silver-gray color, it requires no additional applications of stains or paint for preservation. Construction of each project begins with blanks, or lifts, hand-split from the cedar log using small wedges following the annual growth rings instead being split across the grain like a cedar shake would be.
This method is exceedingly time consuming but it provides a more attractive finished product with less splitting and checking, which further enhances the durability of the wood. The cedar logs used are not marketable timber, rather salvaged wood from home clearing sites, storm and fire damage trees, that would otherwise be burned on-site or buried in a landfill.
For the birdhouses, knot-holes in the cedar blanks, their size and location in the blank, not only establish the intended bird species for which the house is designed; but also provide the starting point for the house and helps determine the final design. With the bird species decided upon, and using preferred nest sizes published by the Audubon Society and the Cornell Ornithological Department, the inherent grain and beauty found in the cedar, plus a little imagination, turns a piece a cedar with a knot-hole into a completed birdhouse. Want to see for yourself? Follow the process from raw material through to a completed birdhouse.
The birdfeeder designs are entirely open to my imagination and are not restricted by specific parameters, such as hole diameters or floor size, encumbent on the birdhouses. I strive to design and construct feeders that are as much whimsical and visually enjoyable to view, as they are in serving their functional purpose. Wood grain patterns, color, and shape become important artistic elements in a feeder's design. My feeder designs are intended to provide the birdwatcher with a visually entertaining work of art, as well as an optimal platform for attracting and viewing birds.